Although I've not even been in Madrid 2 weeks yet, one of the things that is unavoidable is the culture and art throughout the city. There are hundreds of Art Museums and exhibitions to stumble across, the majority free, as well as huge events throughout the year such as Vogue Night Out and The International Film Festival.
The opening night of Vogue Night Out, Madrid, was on the 13th September and due to our interested in fashion photography we went. It is open until the 30th September with various events, catwalks and exhibitions throughout this time. The catwalks consisted of previews of brands new clothing collections as well as to promote the now discounted clothing ranges. It was also sponsored by the new Netflix series 'Elite' which is a Spanish series but is also dubbed in English on Netflix. Since the event I watched the Netflix show and it was based at my university so it was good to watch as I recognised the whole set and the series is actually really good! It's been compared to 'Gossip Girl' and 'Pretty Little Liars'.
Opening night was packed, you literally couldn't move down the majority of Calle de Serrano which was where the stalls and DJ sets were. The whole event was completely free and there were so many giveaways and competitions everywhere as well as the stars of the new Spanish Netflix series, Elite. The event itself was quite overwhelming as the streets were full of people and stalls. We tried to participate in as many of the activities as possible but due to the mass of people some things were impossible.
This event doesn't just happen in Madrid, they are in various countries so if you are near then I would definitely recommend going, even if you're not interested in art and fashion as it's similar to a street party! The event took place in various cities around the world other than Madrid such as London, Milan, Moscow, Tokyo and Dusseldorf.
Although the photography event, which we were particularly interested in, was not on for opening night. We did then try to go back to visit specifically for the exhibition.
The photography exhibition was suppose to be there on opening night as well. However, we asked various people and we couldn't find it anywhere. We then researched it after to see if it was open throughout the opening times and it turned out it was a translation error and there was not a photography exhibition! This was a shame as this was one of the aspects of the event which we were particularly interested in. However, I am glad we went as it was a good night and experience.